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Showing posts from 2013

Research Elevenses return for 2014

This January we are running a series of 30 minute talks on key issues for Leicester researchers. The talks take place over coffee and cakes in the Library Seminar Room (First Floor, David Wilson Library) every Tuesday at 11am. No need to book - just turn up!   If you are off-campus you can join in live via Adobe Connect. A recording of each session will be made available after the event.   7 January - Are you up to date with EndNote? Making the most of EndNote X7 and its new features. Watch the recording 14 January - Are you up to date with RefWorks? Making the most of RefWorks and Write 'N' Cite 4. Watch the recording 21 January - What can Library Research Services do for you? Find out how we can help you use information tools, manage your research and maximise your impact. Watch the recording 28 January - Journal Impact Factors: use and misuse What are they, how do you find them and should you use them? Watch the recording Please contact ...

Inserting Citations & References into PowerPoint with EndNote

EndNote X7, which is available on University computers, now has a toolbar for inserting citations and references into PowerPoint. EndNote X7 Toolbar in PowerPoint 1)    Open up PowerPoint and place your cursor where you wish to insert a citation or a reference. 2)    Click on the EndNote X7 tab. 3)    Choose the reference style you want to use from the drop-down menu. 4)    Click Insert Citation or Insert Reference 5)    Search for the reference you want or search on * to bring up a list of all your references. 6)    Click on Insert. You will need to insert the citation and the references separately as this is not a Cite While You Write toolbar like the one in Word. Example of a citation and a reference inserted using the toolbar and the Harvard style.

Literature searching for social scientists

If you can't make it along to one of our training sessions, here are some resources you might find useful: Planning your literature search Conducting your literature search Tutorial and guides for social science databases: All Social Sciences Web of Science (Social Sciences Citation Index)   Scopus   Expanded Academic ASAP   ASSIA (Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstract)   PsycINFO   Criminology Criminal Justice Abstracts   Economics EconLit ...

Literature searching for arts and humanities

If you can't make it along to one of our training sessions, here are some resources you might find useful: Planning your literature search Conducting your literature search Tutorial and guides for searching arts & humanities literature databases: All arts & humanities JSTOR Project Muse Expanded Academic ASAP SCOPUS Web of Knowledge (Arts & Humanities Citation Index) History Historical Abstracts Bibliography of British and Irish History Museum Studies/Art & Film Art Full Text English ABELL (Annual Bibliography of Engl...

Research Data Management Support

Some new research data management resources you might be interested in: A short video looking at research data management needs at the University of Leicester A range of data management planning documents have recently been published to help with general issues and funder-specific requirements. These are available in hard copy from the Graduate School Reading Room or in PDF format .

Thesis Forum - 27th November

*WEBINAR INSTRUCTIONS* The webinar will use Adobe Connect. You will not need any specific software, however, you will need speakers or a headset to hear the webinar, and you can participate in discussion by typed chat. Adobe Connect works fine on Windows and Macs, and any browser. Use with a Linux computer may be possible but is not recommended due to uncertain results. For best results, follow these steps: 1) Make sure any required equipment is physically plugged into your computer first, then launch your browser and go to: 2) Select Enter as Guest , type your name, and click Connect . It may take a minute or so for Adobe Connect to load up, and you will be in the meeting room. 3) Under 'Meeting' at the upper left, select Audio Setup Wizard. Go through the wizard, making sure everything works. Please note that Audio Setup Wizard should be done every time you come into a meeting. It is a good idea to try these steps in ...

Literature searching for scientists

If you can't make it along to one of our training sessions, here are some resources you might find useful: Planning your literature search Conducting your literature search Tutorial and guides for scientific literature databases: All Sciences Web of Science Scopus Chemistry Reaxys SciFinder Computer Science & Engineering IEEE/IET Digital Library (IEEE Xplore) Engineering Village Geology GeoRef via Geoscience World Mathematics MathSciNet http://www.maths...