One of the things that sparked off the idea to start offering a session on "Communicating your research as a comic strip" was the rising interest in medical-related comics and public engagement. This area has come to be known as graphic medicine. Graphic medicine refers to comics and graphic novels that feature illness, and also how comics could be used in healthcare generally. Examples include: Billy, Me & You : A memoir of grief and recovery by Nicola Streeten A reflection on losing a child from the point of view of a 'recovered' mother and how the world reacted to her grief. 'Highly Commended' in the Popular Medicine category of the BMJ Book Awards. Science Tales : Lies, Hoaxes & Scams by Darryl Cunningham A look at some of the myths and misunderstandings surrounding science. Includes the strip The Facts in the Case of Dr. Andrew Wakefield , which examines the MMR vaccine scandal that has contibuted to the current outb...
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