The Research Elevenses sessions are now all available to watch online. Distinguish yourself: Associate your research with you ORCID is your free unique researcher identifier for life. It allows you to unambiguously associate yourself with your research. Otherwise it can be difficult to know exactly who wrote a paper because many people have similar or identical names. ORCID is independent of any employer, funder or commercial concern. We will look at the benefits of ORCID and how simple it is to set up and maintain. Watch the recording Unlocking REF2014: Text mining to show your impact The Library is building a searchable full text database of the papers submitted by Leicester for REF2014. It has already been used to help support a business case for a piece of equipment, but there may be many other applications. This session explains how you can undertake your own text mining projects using EndNote and how the Library can help with larger-scale projects u...
News and opinions from the University of Leicester Library Research Services Team. We support our research community with everything from literature searching to open research to publication impact. More info: