Wednesday 22nd July - Going beyond your Doctoral Studies: Running conferences & journals 2.30pm-3.30pm, David Wilson Library Seminar Or online via *WEBINAR INSTRUCTIONS* The webinar will use Adobe Connect. You will not need any specific software, however, you will need speakers or a headset to hear the webinar, and you can participate in discussion by typed chat. Adobe Connect works fine on Windows and Macs, and any browser. Use with a Linux computer may be possible but is not recommended due to uncertain results. For best results, follow these steps: 1) Make sure any required equipment is physically plugged into your computer first, then launch your browser and go to: 2) Select Enter as Guest , type your name, and click Connect . It may take a minute or so for Adobe Connect to load up, and you will be in the meeting room. 3) Under 'Meeting' at the upper left, select Audi...
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