Did you know that you can search across the full text of PDF articles within EndNote desktop? First get the PDFs into EndNote: - Import references from literature databases. - Use the 'Find Full Text' feature. - Set-up the 'OpenURL Link' Feature. Choose the references you wish to search and set the search field to PDF: There are some limitations to the full text search: - Needs human intervention – search within PDFs found to see context of keyword (e.g. using Ctrl + F) - Some elements in the PDF (e.g. legends underneath graphics) may not be searchable. You can see how we used these techniques as part of a text mining project: Unlocking REF2014: Text mining to show your impact: Watch the recording .
News and opinions from the University of Leicester Library Research Services Team. We support our research community with everything from literature searching to open research to publication impact. More info: https://le.ac.uk/library/research-support