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Showing posts from August, 2016

Top Ten Theses from the Leicester Research Archive

Top Ten most downloaded theses from the Leicester Research Archive over the last year are: 1) Anxiety in high functioning children with autism (1999) by Alinda Gillott 2) From law to faith : letting go of secret trusts (1999) by Stephen James Alan Swann 3) The process and outcome of Transactional Analysis psychotherapy for the treatment of depression : an adjudicated case series (2013) by Mark Widdowson 4)  Financial Development, Economic Growth and Stock Market Volatility: Evidence from Nigeria and South Africa (2010) by Umar Bida Ndako 5)  The impact of Chinese culture on performance management practices in foreign firms operating in China (2014) by Anthony Wong Yuk Sun 6) The situation of street children in Zimbabwe: a violation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) (2009) by Markim Wakatama 7)  Developing an ESP curriculum for students of health sciences through needs analysis and course evaluation in Saudi Arabia (20...

Our greatest hits - getting the most out of EndNote

I have been looking over the bog and video stats recently. It's always interesting to see what's popular, and it's no surprise that using EndNote dominates the top ten. Below I have reproduced the two most viewed posts: How to text-mine using EndNote, and how the EndNote plug-in for PowerPoint works.  For more help using EndNote there is lots more advice on our  web pages .  Searching the fulltext of PDFs in EndNote You can see how we used these techniques as part of a text mining project: Unlocking REF2014: Text mining to show your impact:  Watch the  recording . Did you know that you can search across the full text of PDF articles within EndNote desktop? First get the PDFs into EndNote: -  Import references from literature databases. -  Use the 'Find Full Text' feature. -  Set-up the 'OpenURL Link' Feature. Choose the references you wish to search and set the search fiel...