During the next year we'll be starting to offer more training and advice on traditional publication metrics and atlmetrics. In the meantime there is already a wealth of altmetric data available to University of Leicester staff and researchers. Almetrics refers to the the alternative ways your research is being referred to. For example, has it been tweeted, blogged, cited in Wikipedia, picked up by news outlets or mentioned on FaceBook? There are various companies and platforms that are offering data or ways of collating this data. This post will focus on two: PlumX and Altmetric . Please be aware: Altmetrics is still a new and emerging field and not all research outputs will have altmetrics data. Altmetrics in Literature Databases You will see the PlumX Metrics icon appearing when you search some of our databases e.g. Scopus and EbscoHost. For example, this Richard III paper by Turi King et al . - you can see the PlumX Metrics option on the right of the page: ...
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