On Tuesday 18th June we'll be welcoming Professor Pat Thomson (University of Nottingham) to the thesis forum. Pat will present her research on doctoral writing and look at strategies that doctoral researchers can use to help with common writing issues. These range from ways of thinking about the writing to be done, to setting up routines, to understanding the actual purposes and structures of academic writing. Come along to hear advice on ways to improve your writing. Pat will use doctoral researchers’ texts to show some common problems and suggest more authoritative alternatives.
Join us on campus in the Library Seminar Room (3pm-5pm) or online via https://connect.le.ac.uk/thesisforum18-6
Pat writes a very useful blog called 'patter' http://patthomson.wordpress.com and has covered subjects such as publishing, research methods, planning your time, and dealing with the literature review. She also tweets as @ThomsonPat.
Hope to see you next Tuesday!
The webinars will use Adobe Connect. You will not need any specific software, however, you will need speakers or a headset to hear the webinar, and you can participate in discussion by typed chat.
Adobe Connect works fine on Windows and Macs, and any browser. Use with a Linux computer may be possible but is not recommended due to uncertain results. If you have any technical problems, email Denise Sweeney on dms34@le.ac.uk
For best results, follow these steps:
1) Make sure any required equipment is physically plugged into your computer first, then launch your browser and go to the specific url address (see addresses above).
)2) Select Enter as Guest, type your name, and click Connect. It may take a minute or so for Adobe Connect to load up, and you will be in the meeting room.
3) Under 'Meeting' at the upper left, select Audio Setup Wizard. Go through the wizard, making sure everything works. Please note that Audio Setup Wizard should be done every time you come into a meeting.
It is a good idea to try these steps in advance of the webinar. Note: If you would like to access the webinar on an iPad download the Adobe Connect app from the online Apple store.
Look forward to seeing you at the event on campus or via webinar online.