EndNote X7 is now available on
staff machines, and will be available in student computer labs during
How to install EndNote X7
On staff machines go to Start - All Programs - Program Installer - Select EndNote X7 and click Install.
New Features
Take a look at all the new EndNote X7 features:
How to install EndNote X7
On staff machines go to Start - All Programs - Program Installer - Select EndNote X7 and click Install.
New Features
- Sync with EndNote Web to access your references off-campus.
- EndNote X5 allowed you to connect your EndNote desktop to EndNote Web but did not transfer groups and sync completely between the two versions.
- EndNote X7 now syncs all your references, attached PDFs and groups with EndNote Web.
- Instructions for creating and synching with an EndNote Web account.
- Categorize References within the Bibliography.
- EndNote X7 allows you to create categories within your bibliography and drag references into the correct categories:
Take a look at all the new EndNote X7 features: