Our first Elevenses session of 2014 focused on making the most of EndNote X7 and its new features.
If you weren't able to attend you can watch the 30 minute webinar (including questions):
Are you up to date with EndNote?
Our next session is in the David Wilson Library seminar room (with a cuppa and homemade cakes) or online at 11am on:
14th January
Are you up to date with RefWorks?
Making the most of RefWorks and Write 'n' Cite 4
Watch the recording
Hope to see some of you there.
If you weren't able to attend you can watch the 30 minute webinar (including questions):
Are you up to date with EndNote?
Our next session is in the David Wilson Library seminar room (with a cuppa and homemade cakes) or online at 11am on:
14th January
Are you up to date with RefWorks?
Making the most of RefWorks and Write 'n' Cite 4
Watch the recording
Hope to see some of you there.