The next ETD2014 - the Networked
Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations’ (NDLTD) 17th annual symposium
takes place at the University of Leicester between 23 and 25 July 2014.
On the 25th from 2.30pm there is a panel discussion planned when PhD students and early career researchers can present their experiences and perceptions about having their thesis / other works deposited in Leicester Research Archive or accessing electronic theses for their research.
On the 25th from 2.30pm there is a panel discussion planned when PhD students and early career researchers can present their experiences and perceptions about having their thesis / other works deposited in Leicester Research Archive or accessing electronic theses for their research.
We are keen to hear from current or
former PhD students who are happy to share their experiences of:
using Leicester Research Archive and/or the British Library EThOS to access past theses and dissertations
- depositing their own work in the Leicester Research Archive and what that meant for their career
If you feel you are happy to share your experiences, please
e-mail a title and short summary (200 words) of your planned presentation
(which should be no more than 10 minutes) to Reka Plugor
There is more information about ETD2014 on the conference website:
but if you have questions feel free to contact Reka.