We have a large book collection at Leicester - print and electronic. But we don't have everything. If you need titles that we don't have, there are three ways to get hold of books:
* Don't forget to check the Library catalogue first
More Books
More Books is our scheme where you can
request books for the Library to buy. This can be books we don't have, or
books you think we need to have more copies of. The service is for in-print
titles that are relevant for your research.
Click on the link, login with your IT username and
password, and then fill in as much of the form as you can. It is free to place
a request.
We aim to respond to you within 24 hours. We can't guarantee to buy everything; but we take all suggestions seriously and use them to help plan the collections.
Document Supply
Sometimes it may be better to place a document supply request (or
'inter-library loan' at other institutions). Here we try to get a copy of
the book you want from another library. If successful, the book is sent to
Leicester and we issue it to you. PhD Students can have 25 free
requests every academic year. Find out more about Document Supply and how to place a request.
You can also request: journal
articles, reports, conference proceedings, theses, standards and patents.
SCONUL Access is a free scheme to allow you
borrow or use books and journals at other university libraries in the
This may be more convenient if you live closer
to another university library than you do to Leicester, or if you need
access to a specific collection.
You can check what books other libraries' have through COPAC - a catalogue of catalogues.
Apply to use the scheme through SCONUL's website.