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PGR and Staff Training in the New Year

Bookings are now open for our Spring workshops:

Introduction to the Library

Introduction to reference management

Introduction to research data management

Planning your literature search - online version

Conducting your literature search - online version

Introduction to EndNote - online tutorial

Introducing RefWorks - online tutorial

Pubmed vs Medline

Who is citing who? - video version

Making research information come to you - online version

Advanced literature searching - booking form

Search Strategies for Systematic Reviews in Medicine and Psychology - booking form

Tools for note taking

Finding grey literature

Looking After Your Research Material: An Introduction to Research Data Management (RDM) and Data Management Plans (DMPs) - booking form

Advanced Endnote - online tutorial [PDF]

Advanced RefWorks - online tutorial

Open Access: what you need to know

Introduction to Prezi

Finding images for research

Copyright and your thesis

Building interactive timelines - booking form

A gentle introduction to XML - booking form

All other sessions are available to book via PROSE

If you are a Distance Leaner or Part-Time student who cannot make it to on-campus sessions then please email us to arrange a 1to1 tutorial via email, telephone or skype: 

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