30 minute
updates on key information issues for Leicester researchers
Library Research Services are running a series
of 30 minute talks on key issues for Leicester researchers. There’s no need to
book - just turn up! Refreshments
provided too!
If you are off-campus you can join in the
webinar. A recording of each session will be made available after the event.
Your Funder’s Open Access Requirements
Wednesday 24th January
11am, Consultation Room, Doctoral College Reading Room, 1st Floor, David Wilson Library
Grant Denkinson
If you have research funding from a funding council, charity
or elsewhere they may require you make your publications Open Access in
particular ways.
You might have to do extra things as well as meeting the
HEFCE / REF and university policy which applies to all research staff. It is
usually relatively simple to comply and not doing so may jeopardise your
Open Access and Research Data Advisor Grant Denkinson will
go through some of the main funder Open Access requirements and how you can
meet them.
Link to webinar: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/0806bd04816e4176ae8d81ae8fec8b30
Introduction to SciVal – Research Performance Metrics Tool
Wednesday 31st January
11am, Consultation Room, Doctoral College Reading Room, 1st Floor, David Wilson Library
Dr William Farrell & Selina Lock
SciVal is one of the leading tools for research evaluation. Using data
from Scopus and other sources it allows you to analyse publication and citation
metrics, patent data, grant information and media impact. You can benchmark
yourself, your institution or your research group against comparable peers.
Plus many more features.
This session will introduce you to some of the basic functions of SciVal
and how it is useful for understanding research performance.
Link to webinar: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/677ac91fbae84f82828b2b9dd6479b9a
Catalogue your personal library
Wednesday 7th February
11am, Consultation Room, Doctoral College Reading Room, 1st Floor, David Wilson Library
Dr William Farrell & Selina Lock
Not sure what books you have in your office or at home?
Keep accidentally buying the same book twice? Want to be able to check your
personal library via a phone app?
This session will introduce you to some free, visual tools
that let you easily and quickly catalogue your own personal library.
Link to webinar: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/dd6231c06c8e41cbb762ae2c5721a7a3