The two software options provided and supported by the University are EndNote and RefWorks.
- If you have a University laptop then you can continue to use EndNote desktop as normal. It is available to download via the Software Centre.
- IT Services have now made the EndNote Desktop Software available for home use. Please see the instructions on the home use page.
- If you had been using EndNote Desktop on-campus and set-up your library to sync with EndNote Online then you can access your references and PDFs via EndNote Online. You can also download the Cite As You Write Word toolbar from within EndNote Online.
- You can use EndNote Online as a standalone online reference management tool.
- RefWorks is an online piece of software and can be used on any machine.
- See our RefWorks pages for more information.
- RefWorks includes a Word toolbar.
- On University laptops the toolbar can be downloaded via the Software Centre.
- For personal machines the toolbar can be downloaded from within RefWorks. The type and version of the toolbar will depend on your machine and version of Word.
- There is also a RefWorks YouTube Channel - If you are new to RefWorks then you will be using the new (blue) RefWorks version not the Legacy (orange) version.
Free options:
There are also free desktop reference management tools that can be used on your own personal machines and synched with online accounts. The two best known options are: