Nearly all University of Leicester theses have been digitised and made available open access on the Leicester Research Archive (LRA) via Figshare.
Some theses have an embargo, meaning you cannot read the full text of those theses, and there is a small number of historical theses that are only available in print in the library.
Browsing Theses on the LRA
- Go to Figshare Leicester Research Archive.
- Click on Groups.
- Choose University of Leicester Theses
- This will default to showing you the most recently uploaded theses.
Browsing Theses by Department/School
Please note this will only work for theses uploaded prior to October 2019. For newer theses please browse the Theses collection (as above) or search the archive (as below).
- Go to Figshare Leicester Research Archive.
- Click on ‘search’.
- On the left hand side there are filters.
- Go to ‘Item type’ and filter by ‘thesis’.
- A list of theses will appear on the centre of the screen.
- To search for theses from your discipline, go to the group filter, click on 'show more' and select the School.
- Select ‘Apply filters’ and you’ll get a list of results, showing theses from your discipline.
Searching for Theses on the LRA
- Go to Figshare Leicester Research Archive.
- Search for a title, keyword/topic/subject, author name or supervisor's name.
- On the left-hand side of the search results you can then filter by theses.
- Tick 'thesis' under Item Type and then click Apply Filters.
Finding Print Theses in the Library
- Got to Library Search
- Search for a title, keyword/topic/subject or author name.
- There are filters on the right-hand side of the search results.
- Find the Content Type filter and click Show More.
- Tick the Theses and Apply Filters.
- To look at a print thesis in the library you will need to sign into Library Search and place a request.